I am calling these paintings Formerly Homeless because they have not been shown before and seem, in many cases, to defy categorization and often stand alone, outliers that nonetheless pushed for expression and perhaps now merit the light. Many I have considered less than proficient enough to put out there for consideration but that reluctance to have them seen has recently lessened in favor of feeling able to let them go.
Some displayed are ideas or, in some cases, feeling states that I felt the need to externalize.
Others are portraits of loved ones or dear friends I was moved to fondly portray.
Several abstracts appear, some of which I don’t consciously know much about or why they pushed for emergence, and some I do know more about, expressing ideas I hold, once held or speculated about.
The Little Church and Angel Over the Severn are fond remembrances of my Mother and Father.
I had been reading about Physicist David Bohm's concept of the Implicate and Explicate Orders, which he describes as a movement of waves that enfold and unfold throughout the whole of space. He feels everything is contained in this whole, which is the Implicate order, which is seamless and interconnected. This order then unfolds into the Explicate order in which everything seems separate.
I have a somewhat similar feeling as that, which is that nothing is nothing, no matter how small or seemingly invisible the particle, field, or wave, it manifests in some way, and which forms a seamless interconnected whole throughout All That Is.
The Wheel
This is about reincarnation, and the endless cycle of Life, Death, and Rebirth
Windley Key
Every day you do not come
Your softness fades away
Did I ever really care that much
Is there anything left to say
Text by Fleetwood Mac
Silver Spring
This image was inspired by a Ursela Le Guin short story. Depicted is a 50 foot tall woman on the shoreline of a far distant planet.
Death Approaches
An inner image that thrust itself somewhat inadequately into form
I kind of like it but unsure of the symbolism aside from the obvious. I had the first female figure on the left in mind and the male figure on the right snuck in unbidden.
Night Sky in Borrego Springs
Borrego Springs is a lights out community, thus the stars in the evening are magnificent.
Drinking in a bar alone where no one knows your name is like lying in a graveyard wide awake. Words by Beautiful South.
They Put a Sign Up in Our Town
This is one of the earliest pictures I ever drew. It looks like an early attempt at a Predicament type image, that monolith over the cliff is interesting but baffling to me now.
I imagined a frightened girl child venturing out into the world from a two dimensional home, feeling all alone in the light fearing what seemed to her as a frightening, dark and fire filled beyond.
Chaos (Black) flows into the Divine ground of Being (white). Above, the human collective unconscious flows upwards, into all forms diverse and varied. Time flows both ways through the manifest and the unconscious.
Vapor Warrior
A foray into gouache
This is a little church where my Mother was baptized in 1919.
Angel over the Severn
This was a view from my Father's house in Maryland.
This beautiful National Park in Moab, Utah has three large distinct areas within its borders. One, The Maze, endless, labyrinthine badlands that mirror each other is where James Franco cut off his own arm in that movie. The top section has a 110 mile rim trail that takes 2 days to complete and features exquisite, spare vistas that see only the horizon.
It’s very odd. All I do know is that it came after a long period of artistic inactivity.
That Feel
(It'll always come to find you. It'll always hear you cry)
This striking image is not an original. This picture, with different tones, is taken from Tom Waits' Blue Valentine album. To me it evoked and embodied a feeling state I have wanted to try to capture. I recreated this one feeling I could not improve upon it.
Verdun Jan21-Dec18, 1916
I am putting this piece here reluctantly but it seems the best fit, given it's not really as proficient as I'd hoped and has a terrible tangent problem I realized too late to correct. I may re-work the idea.
I call it 2056, and its dystopian tone hovers over an apocalyptic landscape in which beautiful but environmentally altered flora and fauna preside next to a devastated city.
Portraits (done at widely separate time periods)
Dad (1932)
My Friend Billy Belleville
Sadly, we lost Billy on July 30th, 2020. Billy was a tireless advocate for the preservation of Florida's wildlands in both word and deed. His kind and gentle presence will be greatly mourned and missed by his many friends, colleagues, and fans. Author of many outstanding books on Urban Sprawl, the invasion of Big Sugar into the Everglades, the incursion generally of humans into the natural environment and diving adventures.
He was one of the Good Guys, a vanishing species.
I will miss him beyond measure.
Lil Beverly
My dear Friend
An old Friend and her infant son.
A flawed attempt to paint my pretty wife
My old friend John Mezzullo's daughter
A Sadhu seen in Jaipur, India