Beginning Again
The pandemic and its aftermath really did a number on my motivation to create. Most all the pictures I did create during that period seem to lack soul and life. Lately I've felt those long dormant juices stir again and I have begun to draw and write again. I hope to post some results soon.
Early in life I was taken to the sea And all the days since I’ve carried its bone deep mark on me
Midnight Blue
This image fairly accurately depicts a numinous experience I had several years ago while sitting in our artroom one evening.
Suddenly, yet slowly, my head and face were pulled involuntarily upward and to my right, my mouth opening unbidden. Out of it thousands of a white bubble like material poured outward and upward. They rose up and over a waterfall like precipice before lazily gathering themselves at the top in a wavelike fashion, circled back over the falls, continuing downward into my still opened mouth. Behind this unfolding occurrence was a pale rainbow.
It was an incredibly sublime and surreal experience which left me stunned by its beauty and strangeness. The word Kindness impressed itself upon my senses.
I have rendered this scene in pastel imperfectly but as faithfully as I was able in an effort in capture visually this spiritually unforgettable event.