A Gradual Awakening
The Pilgrim
Just as a white summer cloud,
in harmony with heaven and earth
freely floats from horizon to horizon
following the breath of the atmosphere
In the same way the pilgrim abandons himself
to the breath of the greater life that wells up
from the depth of his being
And leads him beyond the farthest horizons
to an aim that is already present within him,
though yet hidden from his sight
-- Lama Govinda
The Heart Remains A Child
Florida Bay by Night
Indra’s Abode
We All Need A Little Tenderness
Black Men
Come on Around and Hold an Old Friend's Hand
Everything Is Different Now
Hard Times Come Again No More
Atrium of Time
Our First Rock
I've Grown Tired of Goin It Alone
Tired of going it alone
Won't you come with me
Won't you come
Out of the Sliver Light
(the past came softly calling)
Out in the shiny night the rain was softly falling
tracks that ran down the boulevard
had all been washed away
(text by The Eagles)
Hallway to Always
Things Held Dear
You Can Never Hold Back Spring
There Will Be Peace
Lil Cassie Jackolope
Zen Moment Death Valley, Daylight Pass, DV, April 1992
I walked out in a field
the grass was high
It brushed against my chest
I just stood and looked out at the open space
and the Ocotillos out aways
A Butterfly floated by
Everything was one