Terry's work stirs something deep in my spirit that has a way of becoming all encompassing. All at once his works are deeply spiritual, transcendent, emotional, haunting, beautiful, and raw in their unbridled vulnerability. This artist's work is truly a priceless gem, a masterful series of expressions. 

Dana Wilsher, Artist and Instructor

 Terry Anderson's work represents a highly unusual combination of unfiltered, soulful exploration--responsive to impulse, intuition, and memory--and the experienced inner eye of a psychologist. Terry is perhaps more familiar with these depths than most, and he is both sensitive and fearless in his navigation of this terrain. I have had the pleasure of working with him to combine these wanderings of lesser known realms with the tenants of visual representation. He is a seeker who supports vision with craft.

Robin Cole,  Artist and Instructor   

Terry Anderson's art has a visceral appeal to me. It seems to rise somewhere deep inside his mind and heart, and then to manifest itself - without the yoke of self consciousness or, worse, self-censorship - onto paper. If it seems guileless, it also seems self-directed and focused, determining images that resonate with an appeal and a yearning to be heard and understood. Each one seems like a snapshot of that mystic, ephemeral place where emotions and thoughts come together - past, present, and maybe future - and then just as quickly dissolve again. He gets it before it does.

Bill Belleville, award-winning environmental journalist, author & filmmaker

The work is so refreshing ...really fabulous paintings. They are hauntingly beautiful and mysterious, as if a story is unfolding before your eyes.

Laura Carpenter, Gallery Director, America, Oh, Yes Gallery

Terry Anderson creates work in the naive style of a child with the specificity and purpose of a seer. His images, while often ugly and haunting, are also formally beautiful.

Dominique Dibbell, Editor, Southern Sierran Magazine

I have seen these in movies, dreamed these dreams, and had these feelings. Mr. Anderson refamiliarizes me with what has been forgotten and repressed.

Gene Beecher, Director, Hustontown Art Gallery

Terry's work is very polished and deep and has a European Outsider feel. There is real talent here and I hope this work finds its audience, the paintings are worth the effort.

Lynne Bolton, Owner, Primitive Kool Gallery

The work is of a quality that is inspiring.

Collection Management Committee, American Visionary Art Museum

We have published and enjoyed Mr. Anderson's work very much and feel it shows a remarkable degree of self-taught talent.

Robert Cohen, Publisher, Caffeine Magazine

Visceral, emotionally evocative, and haunting. Illustrative of seeing through the surface impressions which camouflage the depths of the soul. Captures emotional depths which conscious awareness can miss but to which the unconscious mind irresistibly responds. Able to convey a deeper, truer Reality... not the reality we attribute to the impermanent, material world, but the Eternal Essence out of which All Things Arise.

Diane Robbins, Ph.D Psychologist

To study Terry's paintings is to take a psychological journey and be stripped of one's defenses. Terry's talent lies in understanding not only the human condition, but the dark side of the human condition. Terry's unique style allows him to portray emotional pain, isolation, ordinary experiences on the canvas in striking poses, shadows, lines and colors. No matter how "simple" the subject, Terry's paintings give his audience the experience of being a voyeur lurking around someone's subconscious. You are left with feelings you don't know what to do with but they compel you to take Terry's subject with you and in that way one experiences self-examination and introspection. Terry's art goes well beyond the canvas and into one's soul.

Sue Passlacqua, M.S. Psychotherapist